An art piece inspired by the ephemeral beauty of soap bubble rainbows : Rainbow Stick

Prodia Inc.

Our mission is to spread joy globally through our art objects.

With more than two decades of experience in the import, wholesale, and retail sectors of interior and art products, we were inspired by a childhood aspiration to craft a perpetual rainbow. This led to the creation of the "Rainbow Stick," an art object celebrated for its intricate manipulation of light and form. We have been refining its nuanced lighting effects since the year 2000. Our aim is to adapt this distinctive art in diverse ways to deliver moments of happiness to all.


Company Name
Prodia Inc.
Date of Establishment
Head Office Location
2F Ginza Otake Visidence, 1-22-11 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
Location of Factories
1-2-26, Tsutsumi-cho, Kiryu-City, Gunma 376-0042
Yoshiyasu Kojima
Company Site (Japanese)
Company Site (English)
Major Business Partners
Museum Shops at Museums around the World
Manufacturers, wholesale and retail trade operations
The Wonder 500
Product Certifications, Patents and Trademarks
Patented in Japan, U.S., China and Europe