Social Media Policy
Operation Policy
This policy sets forth social media use guidelines for the social media accounts associated with this project (hereinafter referred to as "the Accounts"). Please note that this policy is subject to change without prior notice.
- YouTube:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Twitter:
- LinkedIn:
Basic Social Media Policy
- The Accounts are operated by the Tokyo SME Support Center.
- We may not view and/or respond to all comments, posts, etc. to the Accounts.
- Please contact us directly via the contact information listed in each account profile for any comments or requests regarding this project or events listed on the Accounts.
Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property rights for all information (text, images, etc.) posted on the Accounts belong to the Tokyo SME Support Center or the original author of the information. The content may not be copied, reproduced, or distributed without permission, except in cases permitted under copyright law, such as quotations or reproduction for personal use.
We reserve the right to delete a post on the Accounts without notice if a user posts any of the following:
- Violations or possible violations of laws, regulations, etc.;
- Defamation or slander of a specific individual, group, etc.;
- Material that is considered political or religious in nature;
- Infringement on the copyrights, trademarks, image rights, or other intellectual property rights held by the Tokyo SME Support Center or other third parties, or their use in advertising, promotion, solicitation, sales activities, or other commercial purposes;
- Discrimination or the encouraging of discrimination based on race, ideology, creed, etc.;
- Material that is deemed contrary to public order and/or good morals;
- Material that is false or untrue;
- Violation of privacy, such as personal information posted without the consent of the individual in question;
- Provision and/or use of, or suspicion of provision and/or use of malware;
- Links to websites that contain content which falls under the above; and
- Other than the above, any items that the Tokyo SME Support Center deems inappropriate.
Policy on Following and Friend Requests
Tokyo SME Support Center will send friend and follow requests as needed to national and local government accounts, as well as accounts for other highly public institutions.
We will not follow or send friend requests to any other accounts.
- Although the Tokyo SME Support Center has gone to great lengths to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided on the Accounts, the validity and accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed. Tokyo SME Support Center shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users or third parties as a result of using said information.
- Tokyo SME Support Center shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users or third parties due to problems between users or between users and third parties in connection with the Accounts.
- Tokyo SME Support Center shall not be liable for any damages resulting from any matters related to the Accounts.
Contact Information
For inquiries, please contact
Tokyo SME Support Center
TEL: +81-3-5822-7241 / FAX: +81-3-5822-7240