Highly Specialized Total Cutting Solutions

Heiwa Tecnica Co., Ltd.

Heiwa Tecnica Logo

Creating new value while contributing to customer success by meeting diverse needs for higher quality

We can because we are a high specialized manufacturer in cutting technology. We solve your cutting problems with our cutting solutions. Connecting our high specialized technology with inspection at each stage of the process, we provide a total cutting solution problem solving system to customers who require precision cutting.

We manufacture and sell our precision cutting machine FiNECUT and cutting wheels NASTON and NASTON GOLD. We also offer the water-soluble cutting fluid FiNECOOL for use with these products. Our cutting machines and cutting wheels are produced in our two plants located in Zama, Kanagawa Prefecture, and Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, and are entirely made in Japan. Besides our manufacturing division, the company also operates as a trading company, handling the sale of machinery and tools, the production of labor-saving equipment, the proposal of engineering products, and the installation of factory auxiliary equipment.


Company Name
Heiwa Tecnica Co., Ltd.
Date of Establishment
Head Office Location
2-48-4 Nihonbashi Hamacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Location of Factories
Zama City (Kanagawa Prefecture), Nasu Town (Tochigi Prefecture)
Tatsuo Koike
Company Site (Japanese)
Company Site (English)
Major Business Partners
Quality control departments of component manufacturers, engineering departments of universities and technical colleges, various testing institutions
Manufacturing and Sales
2015: Selected by The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency as one of "Japan's 300 Vibrant SMEs and Small Businesses"
2013-2016: Certified as a "Frontier Company" by Tochigi Prefecture
Product Certifications, Patents and Trademarks
Trademarks: HEIWA TECHNICA, FiNECUT, and others
Certifications: ISO 9001 for the Cutting Wheel Industry