Purify the Air: Advanced Injected Cold Plasma Deodorizing Device

Karumoa Co., Ltd.

Company Logo

Providing Quality Air Everywhere

Since our establishment in 1990, we have been dedicated to addressing the issue of odor within the air environment. By tackling various problems at both the local and societal levels, we strive to create a comfortable air environment.

The challenge with odor lies in its invisibility and the diverse ways individuals perceive it, making improvement far from straightforward. Moving forward, our commitment extends beyond addressing odor issues to enhancing air quality and expanding our business into areas such as creating a connected atmosphere and ambiance that brings people together.

We aim to create a better society by spreading good air everywhere, fostering improved air quality, and cultivating positive connections between individuals.


Company Name
Karumoa Co., Ltd.
Date of Establishment
Head Office Location
2-9-5 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033
Location of Factories
Masanori Muraoka
Company Site (Japanese)
Company Site (English)
Major Business Partners
Asahi Soft Drink Sales, Canon, Fujifilm Holdings, Sony, Yamaha, and more.
Product Certifications, Patents and Trademarks
Patent :
No. 6961138, No. 6892684, No. 6791477

Trademark Registration :
No. 4460792, No. 4669694,
No. 4940846,
No. 5153829,
No. 5201275, No. 5639060,
No. 5693361, No. 6129484,
No. 6002136,
No. 5642034