Stylish and Cute Original Stationery Made with Washi Paper

Nb Co., Ltd.

Manufacturer of Easy-to-Use Japanese Paper Stationery

Founded in 1958, we are a Japanese washi paper stationery manufacturer based in Tokyo with over 60 years of history. We specialize in producing and selling paper stationery products such as stickers, greeting cards, and letters, primarily targeting women over 20.

Our main clientele includes major stationery stores, mass retailers, and department stores in Japan. Our products are distinguished by their original designs, created by our in-house designers, focusing on Japanese aesthetics and user-friendliness.

As all our products are original, we do not face any issues with copyrights or trademarks, and our trademarks are registered in numerous countries. With the goal of "Creating Kindness for Tomorrow," we are committed to developing high-quality products and engaging our entire company in this endeavor.


Company Name
Nb Co., Ltd.
Date of Establishment
Head Office Location
Nippori Annex Bldg. 6-41-8 Higashinippori, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo 121-0836
Kazuhiro Mori
Company Site (Japanese)
Major Business Partners
Major Japanese retail chains, including Hands, Itoya, and The Loft.
Stationery & Miscellaneous Products
Omotenashi Selection 2023
Product Certifications, Patents and Trademarks
Trademark Registration No. 6291559