Handling Heavy Objects as if Weightless: Moon Lifter Intelligent Assist Balancer

Unipulse Corporation

Unipulse Logo

Prioritizing research and development, we leverage our expertise in pulse circuit technology to create unique products that are the first of their kind in Japan and the world.

Unipulse Corporation was founded in 1970 with the ambition to create unique products using advanced pulse circuit technology. We have specialized in stress measurement using strain gauges and force and weight measurement using load cells, and manufacture and sell load cells, weighing indicators, rotating torque meters, contactless capacitive displacement sensors, and grip and clamping force checkers.
In particular, our UTM rotating torque meter series has become the standard for shaft-type torque measurement and has been widely adopted in development and manufacturing settings.

In recent years, we have started in-house manufacturing of strain gauges, producing a wide variety of load cells tailored to different applications, such as screw-type and silicone-free models. Furthermore, we have thrived in developing and selling a range of robots, such as the electric torque actuator UNISERVO and the electric balancer Moon Lifter. Particularly, Moon Lifter enables users to effortlessly move heavy objects with intuitive control by human hands, and with its easy usage, it has gained widespread adoption across various industries, with over 4,000 units sold.

Unipulse Corporation continues to prioritize research and development and create innovative products, leading Japan and the world with groundbreaking technology.


Company Name
Unipulse Corporation
Date of Establishment
Head Office Location
9-11 Hisamatsu-cho, Nihonbashi, Chuo, Tokyo
Location of Factories
1-3 Sengendainishi, Koshigaya City, Saitama
Akiko Tamahisa
Company Site (Japanese)
Company Site (English)
Major Business Partners
Automotive, automotive parts, machinery, casting manufacturers, general manufacturing, food manufacturers, logistics industry
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award for Science and Technology (Technical Division) in 2022 (Development of High-Speed, High-Precision Rotary Torque Meter and Torque Actuator) *Chairman Takami Yoshimoto
31st Excellent New Technology and New Product Award for Small and Medium Enterprises, General Category, Excellence Award

46th (2020) Invention Award, Tokyo Governor's Award (Moon Lifter Intelligent Assist Balancer)

46th (2020) Invention Award, Meritorious Invention Award (Strain Gauge and Force Transducer Equipped with It)
Product Certifications, Patents and Trademarks
Our rotating torque meters have obtained the following CE markings: 2011/65/EU+(EU)2015/863, 2014/30/EU(EN61326-1, EN61326-2-3)