Handling Heavy Objects as if Weightless: Moon Lifter Intelligent Assist Balancer

Unipulse Corporation

Handling Heavy Objects as if Weightless: Moon Lifter Intelligent Assist Balancer
Moon Lifter Intelligent Assist Balancer

Safe and comfortable work for all people and all workplaces—achieved with a power assisting device with intuitive control by human hands

Moon Lifter is an electric balancer that helps users lift and move heavy objects with minimal effort, enabling smooth lifting and lowering using direct hold on the object with both hands. Anyone can easily and safely handle heavy objects without damaging them. Using Moon Lifter, a wide variety of tasks can be performed such as installing heavy automotive parts, setting components in processing equipment, moving bags and boxes full of ingredients or raw materials, and carefully transporting food or glass products. It operates on a standard AC100-240V power supply, requiring no special equipment such as air piping.

Moon Lifter does:
- allow heavy objects to be handled as if they were 0 kg, reducing strain on workers, such as back pain.
- enable precise positioning with the force of hands applied to the object, ensuring that valuable items are transported without damage.
- require no complex button operations and can handle heavy objects of varying shapes and sizes with the same ease.

Reducing the strain and risk of injury for workers when transporting heavy objects

Reducing the strain and risk of injury for workers when transporting heavy objects

Control the heavy object as if it were weightless—reducing the strain on the body during heavy lifting

Moon Lifter adjusts the weight of heavy objects ranging from 10 kg to 2 tons to zero, allowing you to handle them as if in zero gravity. This significantly reduces the physical strain and risk of injury for workers when transporting heavy items such as machinery parts, molds, cardboard boxes, and containers. During use, you can hold the object with both hands, ensuring a stable posture while transporting it.

Additionally, Moon Lifter is equipped with mechanisms and systems to prevent accidents, allowing anyone, including elderly and female workers, to operate it safely. It makes heavy-duty work, traditionally done by manual labor, safe and easy to be performed by everyone.
Enables fine, gentle, and careful handling with the precision of human touch

Enables fine, gentle, and careful handling with the precision of human touch

Gently transport heavy and delicate items with both hands and position them precisely

Moon Lifter enables you to hold heavy objects with both hands and move them effortlessly as you intend.

Delicate items prone to damage from impact, such as glass and marble, can be transported gently and carefully, thereby maintaining product quality. Utilizing both hands allows for smooth and precise positioning, essential for tasks requiring mm-level accuracy, such as setting and assembling components into machinery or mounting molds.

Additionally, Moon Lifter can be configured to set and control the range of motion, including features to prevent lifted objects from touching the ground or slowly process until ground contact is detected.
Flexibly handles heavy objects of various shapes and weights

Flexibly handles heavy objects of various shapes and weights

No complex button operations required for handling heavy objects of various shapes and weights—shortens takt time

With Moon Lifter, complicated adjustment processes are unnecessary. Once the object is set, Moon Lifter automatically adjusts its balance. Then, you can hold the object with both hands and move it freely at your desired speed. Items of different shapes and weights can be flexibly handled without complex button operations.

Its ease of use has led to widespread adoption across various industries, with a total of 4,000 units sold in Japan and overseas. Additionally, it offers multilingual support including English, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese, ensuring safe and easy operations for a wide range of customers.

Providing safety, improved product quality, and reduced takt time, Moon Lifter has earned solid trust in various work environments.