Mt. Fuji Shaped Minoyaki Sake Cups: Fuji-San Sakazuki 3-Piece Set

Ichiyama Co., Ltd.

Ichiyama Logo

Vessels filled with dreams and hope—we develop and provide superior tableware by making effective use of valuable soil resources.

Since our founding in 1963, we have actively engaged in business management and expanded our operations. In response to the diversification of values and the rapidly changing market environment in recent years, we constantly work together with our customers and strive to improve our products and services. By enhancing overseas expansion, product development, and shipping system, we will continue our efforts to establish a solid foundation for future growth.


Company Name
Ichiyama Co., Ltd.
Date of Establishment
June, 1963
Head Office Location
304-394 Nishiyama, Oroshi-cho, Toki City, Gifu
Kazumasa Saiki
Company Site (Japanese)
Wholesale and Retail
Product Certifications, Patents and Trademarks
- Seian gama
- Aizome kobo