Empowering Filipino Women with Crocheted Raffia Bags

Sulci Inc.

Sulci Logo

Empowering Filipino women one crochet hook at a time

Our company has established a workshop on Cebu Island, Philippines, where we generate employment opportunities for local women who are eager to work but face a shortage of job options. We create handcrafted bags using natural raffia yarn and crochet techniques. These finished products are then sold in major department stores, on our website, and through mail-order services. We also offer OEM production.

One of our biggest strengths is our capability to handle both design and production entirely in-house. We maintain a seamless production system, from sourcing raffia yarn to crafting the bags, all while being committed to sustainable manufacturing practices. These efforts were recognized when we were approved as a member of the United Nations' Business Call to Action (BCtA) in March 2019.

*Business Call to Action: https://www.businesscalltoaction.org/


Company Name
Sulci Inc.
Date of Establishment
Head Office Location
4-2-13-811 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Location of Factories
San Isidro Perrelos, Carcar City, Cebu 6019, Philippines
Satomi Sekiya
Company Site (Japanese)
Company Site (English)
Major Business Partners
Isetan Mitsukoshi Ltd., Takashimaya Company, Limited, Shiseido Company, Limited, etc.
Wholesale and Retail
- Encouragement Prize at the 14th Women's Entrepreneur Awards (2015, The Japan Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry Business Women’s Club)
- Grand Prix at the 1st Women's Entrepreneurship Challenge Awards (2015, Japan Entrepreneurship Realization Project Association)
- Best Business Plan Award in the Second Life Business Plan Contest 2016 (2016, Ginza Second Life Corporation)
- Rissho University Faculty of Business Management Award and Special Award at the 5th Women's Business Grand Prix 2016 in Shinagawa
- Selected for the 3rd Acceleration Program in Tokyo for Women (APT Woman) in 2018
Product Certifications, Patents and Trademarks
Trademark: Sulci