Personal Items
5-way Easy-to-Use coaroo Bag
Coaroo Co., Ltd.
Quickly and easily transforms from a shoulder bag to a backpack or a front-carry bag to suit any occasion!
A One-of-a-Kind Bag Made from Antique Kimono Fabric: Muromachi Gofukuro
Matsumoto Store Co., Ltd.
A beautiful, upcycled product with a unique and bold design
A Self-Standing, Dryer-Compatible Laundry Net Bag
Carewill, Inc.
Simplifying laundry with a thoughtful and user-friendly design for everyone
A Unique Kimono Bag That Combines Tradition and Modernity: Annaj
Peak Co., Ltd.
The arrival of an upcycled bag that breathes new life into kimono sashes (obi)
Add a Hint of Spring to Your Wrist: Botanical Flower Watch LVB136
Maruzeki Co., Ltd.
A one-of-a-kind creation that emulates natural texture encapsulating handcrafted natural flower petals
Cute Tarot and Oracle Cards That Will Bring You Solace
Luna Factory Inc.
Adorable fortune-telling cards for your solace and enjoyment
Empowering Filipino Women with Crocheted Raffia Bags
Sulci Inc.
A bag brand tackling social issues like poverty through craftsmanship
Emu Amino Shampoo & EO Lotion for Your Beloved Dogs and Cats
TSI Co., Ltd.
Emu oil works wonders for your pets' skin problems
Enjoy and Try to Make It Yourself—Bento Art in 12 Different Varieties
Ichikudo Printing Co., Ltd.
An integrated production process that combines craftsmanship with IT digital technology
Express Yourself Freely with Colorful Zipper Accessories: ZIP ART®
Romance in ZIP
Wear your colors! Unleash your uniqueness and connect to a bright future