This soft and moisturizing 100% cotton body towel is effortlessly removing dirt with just water

poCoa, Inc.

Have a great day today. Make your everyday life enjoyable with ethical goods and sustainable gifts.

We plan and sell easy-to-incorporate and sustainable products that are convenient to use and easy to continue in your everyday life. We curate products that utilize traditional Japanese techniques and wisdom, adapting them to fit modern lifestyles. Many of our products are handmade by craftsmen, incorporating thoughtful design elements to ensure they are cherished and used for a long time. We aim to develop our products while listening to our customers' opinions to deliver products that are comfortable for overseas customers whose lifestyles may differ from those in Japan.


Company Name
poCoa, Inc.
Date of Establishment
Head Office Location
Location of Factories
Megumi Nakayama
Company Site (Japanese)
Major Business Partners
LY Corporation, Rakuten Group
Wholesale and Retail
Product Certifications, Patents and Trademarks
ethical house:Trademark No. 6328994